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The striking nature of Raplamaa

Swamps and hiking trails, fresh air and untouched nature await you.

Found 8 records

Paluküla Hiiemäe health tracks in the Rapla County

You can have an active holiday on health tracks that are located in the Kõnnumaa landscape protection area. The local nature is beautiful, unique and rich in species. Here, you are going to find 2 km, 3 km and 5 km tracks, where you can run, cycle or ski, depending on the season. Additionally, the slope is suitable for snow boarders. The 2 km track is lit. For years, Paluküla slope has been one of the most popular places in the Rapla County for going sledding on a Shrove Tuesday. Here, you can camp or have a picnic as well!

Health track of the Rapla Vesiroosi Health Park

900 m of Vesiroosi health track is lit. The natural training track is 2.2 km long. Here, you can go Nordic walking or practice riding a mountain bike. The beginning and end of the track is next to the car park of the Rapla Vesiroosi Upper Secondary School. It has a great sledding hill for children in the winter; the tracks can also be used for skiing. In the summer, the track also offers a possibility to go for a swim. It is safe to enter the water from the swimming pier. Due to a clay bottom, the water is hazy. If you wish, you can use the services of Sadolin sport centre that is located next to the health track. Here, various types of exercise sessions take place. The only public sauna in Rapla is also located in the sports centre. Come and improve your health in the nature!

Mukri nature trail

Mukri bog that formed around 9,000 or 10,000 years ago was once a lake. It is thought to be one of Estonia’s oldest bogs. Did you know…? *Mukri bog has a 14-metre viewing tower. *A boardwalk leads the way through the bog. *Lake Mukri covers 2.2 ha and is full of little islands. *If you’re not afraid of inky black water, the bog is perfect for swimming. *You can pick berries in the bog. *Mukri bog is one of the few wetland areas in Estonia you can cross without getting your feet wet. *If the boardwalk seems too pedestrian, you can always try bog-shoeing.

RMK Jalase nature trail in the Jalase landscape protection area in Rapla County

Along the 2.6 km hiking trail, you can take a look at the Lipstu heath and Lake Sõbessoo. The boardwalk is 940 m long and the hiking trail is 1,690 m long. Sõbessoo with its many swamp pools is a suitable nesting place for typical fen birds. Here, you can spot whooper swans or Montagu’s harriers. The local forests are a home to various species of woodpeckers, grouses, hazelhens, stock doves and earless owls. In the summer, you can admire waterlilies blooming on the surface of the lake. During hot summer days, it is a great place for a refreshing swim. The bog offers relaxing moments during any season. Here, you can also go on a bog-shoe adventure! Take along a picnic basket and come enjoy the silence of the bog!

Velise nature and culture studies trail

On the trail you will find out about the cultural history of Velise. The trail covers a total distance of 70 km, but you can hike two sections measuring 30 km and 40 km. You will find more detailed descriptions of the trails here. Did you know…? *The trail is also suitable for cyclists and drivers *Maps of the trail can be found in Valgu, Nurtu, Konuvere and Velise and at Sillaotsa Farm Museum (where you can also obtain a brochure) *While here, why not take a look at John the Baptist church in Velise too? *You can also visit the Velise community centre to admire the weaving and the Sulu village and its handicraft workshop

Vana-Vigala nature studies trail

The Vana-Vigala nature studies trail is 1.5 km long and fully marked. It is situated in the park of the old manor of the same name. Did you know…? *Vigala manor once belonged to the Uexküll family *Here you can see the oldest pieces of art in Estonia – bass-reliefs excavated from Pompeii *The park has a wealth of different species, and is bordered on one side by the slate ‘Laughing Wall’, which was constructed in 1867

Loosalu-Paluküla nature trail and camping site

This nature trail, which is 7.7 km long, connects the highest point in Western Estonia, Hiiemägi Hill (106 m), and the Loosalu bog island. Take 4 to 5 hours to cover the entire trail. Don’t forget your wellies and be careful when moving between the hollows. A boardwalk will lead you to ‘Little Loosalu Lake’. The trail comes to an end at the foot of Reevimägi Hill (99 m). Interesting to know: Here, you will see Estonia’s largest bog lake – Lake Loosalu. The pike and perch that live in the lake are black in colour and taste of peat mud. The pine forests around the bogs are criss-crossed by elk paths.

Pae karst area

The Pae karst area spreads out over two hectares of land covering a limestone layer rich in fossils. Where the alvars and bog meet there is a terrace that varies in height from one to two metres. Here you can see collapsed funnels up to one metre wide and 1.5 metres deep. Other points of interest in the area include open hollows, fissures, caves and a limestone firing kiln.

Planeerige unustamatu elamus Raplamaal juba täna!

Aitame teil kohandada oma viibimist ja kogemusi teile määratud eelarve piires.


Pirgu Terviserada

Pirgu Terviserada

Terviserada asub veekogudega vanal kruusakarjääride alal. Rada on keskmiste tõusude-langustega ja kulgeb läbi männitukkade, segametsa ja pisilagendike. Raja alguses asuvad mitmesugused puidust treeninguvahendid, välitrenažöörid, venitussein, laste mänguväljak, madalseiklusrada ja puhkeala. Veekogu pakub ujumisvõimalust ja mängida rannavollet.

Talvel saab suusatada 2km, 3km ringil, sõita snowtuubidega, suvisel ajal lisanduvad rajakasutusele ka võimalus tegeleda orienteerumisega (püsitähised, mob-o) ja aastaringselt disc-golfi mänguga 18-rajal.

RMK Jalase loodusrada Jalase maastikukaitsealal

RMK Jalase loodusrada

Jalase maastikukaitsealal 2,6 km matkateel saad näha Lipstu nõmme ja Sõbessoo järve. Laudtee pikkus 940 m, jalgrada 1690 m.

Sõbessoo oma paljude laugastega on sobivaks pesitsuspaigaks tüüpilistele rabalindudele. Siin võid märgata ka laululuike või soo-loorkulli. Siinsed metsad on koduks erinevatele rähniliikidele, tetredele, laanepüüdele, õõnestuvidele ja kakkudele.

Suvel pakuvad silmailu järvepinnal õitsvad vesiroosid. Kuumal suvepäeval on siin vahva võimalus kosutavaks supluseks.

Raba pakub lõõgastavaid hetki igal aastaajal. Siin saad ka räätsadel seigelda!

Võta piknikukorv kaasa ja tule rabavaikust nautima!

Ilvesemäe rabamatk haldjate radadel

Ilvesemäe rabamatk haldjate radadel

Matkarada viib Sind ürgmetsaga kaetud Ilvesemäele, kust avanevad hunnitud vaated ümbruskonnale. Üles jõudes tunned end nagu maailma servale jõudnud olevat. Matkajuht räägib loodusest, kohalikest legendidest, muinas-EESTI ajaloost, mütoloogiast ja traditsioonidest.

Teele jääb Ülesoo raba, kus räätsadel liikudes saab tutvuda erinevate raba-ja madalsootaimedega.
Suvisel ajal on võimalus rabalaugastes ka ujuda. Soovi korral saad peale matka suitsusaunas lõõgastuda.

Kui soovid eemalduda tsivilisatsioonist, saada osa ürgloodusest ja seigelda salapärases haldjametsas, siis ootame just Sind!


RMK Loosalu-Paluküla loodusrada ja telkimisala

7,7 km pikkune matkarada ühendab läänepoolse Eesti kõrgeimat tippu Hiiemäge (106m) ja Loosalu soostiku soosaart. Matkaraja läbimiseks varu 4-5 h. Ära unusta kummikuid ja ole ettevaatlik älveste vahel liikudes. Väikese Loosalu järveni viib laudtee. Rada lõpeb Reevimäe (99m) jalamil.

– Siin näed Eesti suurimat Loosalu rabajärve.
– Loosalu järves elutsevad haugid ja ahvenad on mustad kui tondid ja turbamuda maitsega.
– Rabamänniku nõlvad on täis põdraradu.


Kuimetsa karstiala koopad ja õpperada

Tule tutvu Eesti suurimate karstikoobastega!

Eesti ühel suuremal ja ainulaadsemal karstialal saad näha mitmeid karstivorme: langatusorge, lehtreid, lohke, kanaleid ja koopaid. Viis koobast on nii suured, et saad sinna vabalt sisse kõndida. Üks uhkemaid on 12 m pikkune ja 8 m laiune kõlakojakujuline koobas. Kõrgvee ajal saad siin paljudes kohtades paelõhedes ja -kanalites jälgida veevoolu, madalvee ajal veevoolu peaaegu ei näe.

Külastajad saavad jalutada Kuimetsa karstiala õpperajal.

Huvitav teada: Läti Henriku kroonika andmetel peitsid muisted eestlased end vaenuvägede eest koobastesse.


Suure Seikluse räätsamatk

Tavaliselt arvatakse, et rääts on seotud ainult lumel kõndimisega. Jah, tõsi küll, lumel on väga hea räätsadega käia, kuid iseäranis põnev on räätsadega matkata aga kevadises või sügiseses rabas. Räätsaga saab minna sinna, kuhu kuiva jala või isegi kummikuga on keeruline pääseda. Älvetel õõtsumine on räätsamatka lahutamatu osa.

Räätsadeks kasutame väga mugavaid ja vastupidavaid Prantsusmaal valmistatud Morpho räätsasid. Väiksematele matkajatele on meil olemas väiksemad räätsad. Matka saab korraldada erinevates rabades.

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