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Where to eat in Rapla County?

Gourmet experiences and natural simplicity. Produce from your own garden and exciting forest plants. Welcome to the Raplamaa food landscape!

Found 11 records

Vaga Mama Aasia restoran Raplas

Tere tulemast Vaga Mama maitsete maailma! Pakume Hiina, Tai ja Nepali roogasid. Meie restoranid asuvad 8 erinevas Eesti linnas. Road on valmistatud värsketest koostisosadest Nepali kokkade poolt.

Pizza workshop at the Hütt home restaurant

Home restaurant Hütt, little Italy in the forest of Raplamaa, is a cosy place on the floodplain of the River Keila. Our menu includes an excellent palette of pizzas. Desserts, good wines, craft lemonades and cocktails are always available! The pizza workshop is excellent for celebrating an anniversary or for a team event. During the workshop, you have to prepare all the ingredients needed for pizza, knead the dough and make the pizza oven-ready. In the end, rotate the pizza in the oven and set it on the plate. For those who love nature, we can organise a refreshing bog hike before the workshop.The price includes the workshop and the selected pizza. Ciao!

Restaurant SOO

We invite you to an exclusive 5-course dinner in Maidla Manor’s Old Servants’ Residence. SOO is not a normal restaurant. It’s a magical gastronomical experience where history is intertwined with modernity and minimalism. Homely and cosy atmosphere in an exclusive way – warm service from our caring house elves, whose mission is to guarantee that every guest feels welcome. Our chef’s signature is characterised by high-quality ingredients, carefully prepared recipes, and mystical flavour combinations that you may not have experience before. The menu changes with the season. Read more about MICHELIN Inspector review!

Kingdom of Gingerbread – making embossed gingerbread

Welcome to the Kingdom of Gingerbread at of Atla Manor in Rapla County!We will teach you how to make gingerbread with embossed molds, as was done 1,000 years ago. We will also gild the gingerbread. In addition, we will talk about the history of gingerbread in Estonia and elsewhere in the world. We will also offer exciting search games and a hot drink and pie awaits every guest in the café. Finally, we will choose the best gingerbread maker who will become either the queen or king of the Kingdom of Gingerbread! Everyone is welcome – kindergarten children, school children, companies, as well as families and groups!

Atla Mõisa Moosivabriku külastus

Atla Mõisa Moosivabrik tegutseb 2020 aastast. Alates 2018.a. kevadest asub Atla Mõisas Eesti suurim sinise-kuslapuu põld, kus kasvab 4000 põõsast. Sinine-kuslapuu eriliselt tervislik mari, mis sisaldab palju B-vitamiine ning antioksüdante. Isegi Jaapanis on ütlemine, et kui süüa 3 sinise kuslapuu marja päevas, siis naise ilu on igavene. Meie sinise-kuslapuu, maasika moos on valmistatud Polli laboris meie enda poolt. Moos ei sisalda säilitusaineid ning valmistatud vähese suhkruga. Moosivabrikut saab külastada etteteatades.  

Hollivuud lounge

Keskväljakul asuv kohvik-lounge Hollivuud on armastatud pitsaresto Raplas. Pakume kohalikust veiselihast mahlaseid burgereid, kivipõhjal küpsetatud pitsasid, praade ja salateid. Iga päev maitsvad päevapakkumised.  Tegeleme ka peokorralduse ja toitlustamisega. 

Ruunawere Tavern

Ruunawere Tavern is located in the building of a former post station. The large hall has 30 places, Härradetuba (Gentry Room) has another 20 places and the first floor has at least 50 places. Good to know: * The building still has a smoke hood as large as a room. * The tavern has a memorial to the Russian ruble.

Ööbiku Gastronomy Farm Restaurant

A unique 5-course dinner, prepared by Ants Uustalu (owner and head chef of Ööbiku Farm) using ingredients from local farmers and seasonal forest products, awaits you, just a 50-minute drive from Tallinn. All guests have the same menu, with chefs recommending and matching drinks. A genuine Estonian food experience is waiting to be discovered! Reservations are required.  

Club Cinema nightclub

Club Cinema is a popular nightclub in Rapla County. On Fridays and Saturdays you can dance the night away to DJ sets. At other times you can hire the club to host parties and other events. You can find out more on our website. Fancy some free passes? Get in touch with us here!

Ööklubi MadHouse Raplas

Ööklubi MadHouse on populaarne meelelahutuskoht Rapla kesklinnas. Reedeti, laupäeviti ja enne pühi saad varaste hommikutundideni kuumi rütme nautida. Siin ootavad Sind Eesti parimad DJ-d, armastatud esinejad, kvaliteetne teenindus ja turvaline keskkond. Lisaks saad siin ka laste sünnipäevi, lastediscosid, tähtpäevi või firmaüritusi pidada. Ruumi jagub nii mängudeks kui ka tantsuks mitmesajale osavõtjale. Pakume oma klientidele mitmeid soodustusi. 

Marju Café

The cosy cafe, which is located in the city centre of Rapla, offers simple Estonian dishes to guests and locals. We have won the hearts of our visitors with the freshly baked goods, made to great-grandmothers’ recipes. In addition, our dishes are made from natural raw ingredients and do not include e-substances. The berries and mushrooms come from the forests and gardens of Rapla County. Come and taste food you can trust!

Cinema Café

This cosy café seats up to 50 people. Did you know…? *The café makes its own cakes and pastries *You can celebrate special occasions here *The building has a seminar room, sauna and rooms for accommodation *Club Cinema opens its door on weekends after the café closes

Arturi inn

The Arturi inn is on lands that once formed part of the Valtu estate. It has its own fireplace and can seat up to 40. Did you know…? *Over time the inn has acted as a barn, a sawmill and a washroom for workers *The buildings that remain of the former Valtu manor are its brewery, dryer and horse stables *You can celebrate all sorts of different events here *Traditional events marked at the inn are Walpurgis Night and Midsummer

Ruut 66 pub

This pub seats up to 50 people. Did you know…? *You can celebrate a variety of special occasions here *Entertain yourself with karaoke! *On weekends you can dance the night away to live music

Karavan shish kebab bar

The Karavan shish kebab bar seats up to 40 people.

Meie Pubi

Meie Pubi mahutab kahele korrusele kokku 150 inimest. Lisaks on 20 kohaline saal. Meelelahutust pakub piljardilaud ja suurelt ekraanilt jooksvad spordiülekanded. Vanasti asus Meie Pubi maa-alal Rapla suurärimehe töökoda, mille taga töömeestele meeldis õlut juua ja laulu joristada. Vahel juhtus sinna ka armastatud Eesti helilooja Raimond Valgre.
Ööbiku gastronoomia talu

Ööbiku Gastronomic restaurant

Just 50 min drive from Tallinn, you can enjoy a unique 5-course dinner prepared by the owner and chef of Ööbiku Farm Ants Uustalu, using mainly local farmers’ produce and seasonal forest products. The same menu is served to all guests in the evening, with drinks suggested and matched by the chefs.

Authentic and Estonian food experiences are waiting to be discovered.

Booking in advance is required.

vaga mama Raplamaal

Vaga Mama Asian restaurant in Rapla

Welcome to the world of Vaga Mama’s taste!
We serve Chinese, Thai and Nepalese dishes. Road is made with fresh ingredients by Nepali chefs. Our restaurants are located in 8 different Estonian cities.


Hollivuud lounge

Hollivuud, a café-lounge on the central square, is a beloved pizza restaurant in Rapla.
We serve juicy burgers made from local beef, stone-baked pizzas, steaks and salads. Delicious daily specials every day.
We also cater and organise parties.

Atla Mõisa Moosivabriku külastus

Visit to Atla Manor Jam Factory

Atla Manor Jam Factory has been operating since 2020.

SSince 2018 Since spring, the Atla Manor has the largest blue-bush field in Estonia, with 4000 bushes. The blue-conifer is a particularly healthy berry, rich in B vitamins and antioxidants. Even in Japan, there is a saying that if you eat 3 blue cowslip berries a day, a woman’s beauty will last forever.

Our blue-plum, strawberry jam is made in our own laboratory in Polli. The jam contains no preservatives and is made with low sugar.

The jam factory can be visited by appointment.

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