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Attractions in Rapla County

The twin-towered church and the colourful history of the manor house, the tracks of the savages and the ancient forts. Let Raplamaal tell your story!

Found 2 records

Okta Centrum

This building, completed in 1977, is something of a monument to Soviet architecture. It resembles a UFO that has landed. Did you know…? *Everything in the building is octagonal – from the floor plan to the rubbish bins *The octagonal pond is a perfect reflection of the physical space in the building *The building was designed by Toomas Rein and Aulo Padar *During the Soviet era, people from all over the USSR came to admire the building

Rapla stone bridge

This bridge, which crosses the Vigala River, was built in place of the former wooden bridge in the late 19th century. A reinforced concrete structure was superimposed on the old bridge in 2009, and pedestrian bridges were added on either side. Did you know…? * The renovated bridge is the only one of its kind in the country;  * The stone bridge is on the coat of arms of Rapla municipality; * A café operates under the bridge on Rapla Day where the dress code is galoshes; * River rallies have been held on the river under the bridge, and performances have been given on top of it; Mermaids have even been spotted in the river! Bring a sandwich, come and park yourself by the river and enjoy some time to yourself! You might not spy any mermaids, but you’re sure to see some ducks!

Rapla central square

2018. Rapla’s central square, opened in 2007, is part of the “EV 100” programme, which has resulted in central squares in several other Estonian cities besides Rapla. The central square is covered with concrete slabs on a level surface and features a flag field, a colourful fountain, cycle parking, a playground, seating areas and landscaping.

There is a cosy café called “Hollivuud Lounge” on the central square, and on Thursdays there is an “OTT” (producer-to-consumer) fair.

Okta Centrum Raplas. Foto Siim Solman

Octa Centrum

1977. Completed in 2005, the KEK building stands as a monument to Soviet-era architecture. The building resembles a landed UFO.

Interesting to know:

  • Everything in the building is octagonal – the floor plan and even the bins.
  • The octagonal pond, which appears to be a spatial reflection of the house, is effective.
  • The architects of the building are Toomas Rein and Aulo Padar.
  • During the Soviet era, people from all over the Soviet Union visited the special building.

Raplamaa Centre for Contemporary Art

If you want to raise your artistic awareness and develop your creativity, you can learn new skills on our various art courses. We also organise a range of cultural and artistic events, training courses, workshops, study trips, create art projects and collaborate with other creative industries.

The Raplamaa Centre for Contemporary Art has grown out of the Rapla Art Society’s Art Workshop. Rapla KKK introduces Estonian contemporary art both in Estonia and abroad.

Our mission is art. If you’re an art lover too, come and let’s create new values together. Courses can be booked in advance. Open Tue-Fri 15-18 during exhibitions.

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