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Active holidays in Raplaimaa

Hike on sledges and tubes, canoe down rivers and picnic in a bush hut. Adventures await!

Found 10 records

170 - Järvakandi–Eidapere bicycle route

Järvakandi – Lokuta – EidapereYou can start the hike from either Järvakandi or Eidapere. The small town of Järvakandi, located amid swamps and forests, is famous for its glass industry, but there is also a small wooden church and a clubhouse. Lokuta is the centre of a former collective farm – a memory of times past, while the borough of Eidapere developed out of a former knight’s manor. There is a magnificent park with many little ponds. Eidapere railway station is beautiful and in good condition. In the 19th century, Estonia’s largest glass factory was built in Eidapere. Alongside the factory, a railway branch was also built. By now, only a few outbuildings have survived. From Eidapere, the trail leads to Mukri bog, where you can walk along the boardwalk to the bog-ponds and lakes. Along the former railway dam, head to Järvakandi. On the way there, you can cool off in the Aleti reservoir. When approaching Järvakandi, you will see large piles of glass, which are the raw materials for the nearby glass packaging factory.

163 - Kaiu bicycle route

Kaiu – Toomja – Kasvandu – Kuimetsa karst area – Suurekivi – Põlliku – Vana-Kaiu – KaiuFor the most part, this signposted route runs on paved roads. The Mahtra and Aela-Viirika protected wetlands and the Kuimetsa karst area make this route unique, but there are man-made sights worth seeing too (the former Kaiu Collective Farm, Toomja Village, Villema Farm, Rahu Park). There are a few manors nearby, but the only building that is still standing is the Vana-Kaiu manor house. If you are looking for more adventures, you can explore the karst area or visit the Loosalu-Paluküla and Lake Kadja hiking trails.

165 - Kohila–Loone bicycle route

Kohila – Pahkla – LooneThere are no tall hills or seashores in Raplamaa, but the routes here have more than enough to see and discover. This route runs east of Kohila. On this route, for the most part, you will be travelling along small roads. When riding out of Kohila in the direction of Rapla, you will soon be at the Loone fortress which offers a lot to see. Cross the Tallinn-Rapla highway and continue on a small road. On the route you’ll pass four manors, four boulders with names, the Angerja vassal fortress, the sights in the Pahkla rocket base and Camphill Village (a residential community for people with special needs).

161 - Bicycle route around Rapla

Rapla – Alu – Kodila – Hagudi – Maidla – Ingliste – Keava – Kehtna – Põlma – Raikküla – Koikse – Kuusiku – Kodila crossroad (68 km)Although Raplamaa has not been blessed with tall hills, numerous lakes or a seashore, there are still a number of routes that give a good overview of the county’s sights. If you choose route 161, which is signposted, you can start your tour from the centre of Rapla, Kehtna, Raikküla, Hagudi, Keava or Kuusik. You can get to all of these places by car, and to some by train as well. Most of the roads on this route are paved. There are about 20 km of gravel roads. The main sights of the route are ten manor houses, Nõmme Tavern and Põlma Windmill. Out of the natural sights, the most beautiful place is the majestic forested hillsides between Ingliste and Keava.

12 - Haapsalu-Rapla bicycle route

Haapsalu (0 km) – Ridala (8 km) – Martna (25 km) – Liivi (36 km) – Kullamaa (44 km) – Koluvere (47 km) – Sipa (61 km) – Märjamaa (70 km) – Kuusiku (89 km) – Rapla (95 km) This route connects the resort town Haapsalu with the county centre Rapla and can be used to link Route 1, Route 11 and Route 13. As you cycle along the route, you’ll find locations people don’t usually come across. In the vicinity of Koluvere, Märjamaa and Rapla, it’s worth looking up the local Raplamaa routes 161, 168 or 169. The best sightseeing spots on this cycling route are Haapsalu with its charming old town, beach promenade and castle. The route continues through many small villages until it reaches Märjamaa, home to a 14th-century Gothic fortress church, a memorial and the borough’s main street. There is a scenic road through forests and fields leading from Märjamaa to Rapla. Most of the route follows roads with low traffic density. There are around 3 km of cycle paths in sections along the route. You can take the train to Rapla to access this route.

164 - Kohila-Hageri bicycle route

Kohila – Hageri – KohilaThis Rapla County bike tour can be started from Kohila or Hager. The route runs in the Kohila and Lümandu area. More than half of the route runs on small gravel roads, but the Kohila-Hageri-Sutlema section has a nice cycling path. There are four manors by the hiking trail, Kohila borough with its former famous Kohila paper factory, Hageri church, cemetery and prayer house and Sikmani field with a collection of old agricultural equipment.

168 - Bicycle route around Märjamaa

Märjamaa – Haimre – Rassiotsa peat field – Orgita – Märjamaa (33 km) Märjamaa borough, the centre of Märjamaa municipality in Rapla County, is a key location on this route. It is a good place to start your trip, but it also has the most to sights to see – the 14th century Gothic fortress church, memorial and the main street of the town. The Niidiaia oak grove with its 350-year-old oaks and Haimre manor park with many ponds are on this route. The trail also leads through peat fieldsand over the old railway dam, and along the Orgita Manor Park and dolomite quarries along the Tallinn-Pärnu highway.

167 - Vana-Vigala–Vängla bicycle route

Vigala – Avaste – VänglaThis route runs south of Märjamaa in the vicinity of Vana-Vigala. The recommended starting point of the hiking trail in Vana-Vigala is a remarkable place, because it’s where one of the oldest manor houses in Estonia, which belonged to the Uexküll family, is located. The local hiking trail will introduce you to the manor’s English-style park’s attractions, taking you to Hirvepark and the island of millstones.’s attractions. On the route, you will pass the Selja Tavern, the suspension bridge over the Velise River and a bus stop shelter made out of an old bus. The Avaste Mountain and Lihula-Lavassaare bog complex are also nearby.

166 - Lelle–Käru bicycle route

Lelle – Lungu – KäruThis moderately sized Rapla County route makes a small detour from the Türi-Rapla highway. The two largest towns on this route are Käru and Lelle. That’s where we recommend starting your trip. In Käru you will see a lovely wooden church and the old wooden manor house. The new manor house was built later and both the house and the park are in good condition. Lelle is the largest railway junction in the area, there is also a manor nearby. Of the natural places, Paluküla Hiiemägi (the highest peak in northwestern Estonia) and the oak alley of Laane settlement are worth mentioning. Unfortunately, the Lungu dam lake is in a state of neglect.

162 - Rabivere bicycle route

Rapla – Alu – Raka – Hageri – Sopi Lake – Koigi – Kalevi – RaplaYou can get acquainted with the natural sights of Rapla County on route 162, which is also signposted. You could start your cycling trip from Rapla or from the furthest corner of the route in Rabivere. Most of the roads on this route are paved, with about 20 km of gravel roads. There are some naturally interesting places along the route, such as Sopi Lake, the ancient trees of Ohulepa manor and beautiful winding roads. There are five manors along the route, but most of the buildings are in ruins. Valdur Tilga, a woodworker working in the village of Raka, has an interesting display of his unique products.
Eesti Langevarjuklubi

Estonian Parachute Parachuting Club parachute jumps

The Estonian Parachuting Club is the largest and most active association of parachutists in Estonia. Our aim is to provide exciting recreational opportunities for our members and to promote skydiving.

We offer tandem jumps with an experienced instructor for those who are interested in extreme sports, and we also offer beginner skydiving courses (Static Line and AFF methodology). The jumps will take place at Rapla (Kuusiku) airfield.

Come and make your dream come true!

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