St. Mary’s (Maarja) Church in Vigala

Kivi-Vigala küla, Märjamaa vald, Rapla county

The first mention of the church dates back to 1339. The church of Vigala was built by the oldest noble family of Livonia – the Uexkülls. The old church was a slate building with high gables. The choir was vaulted and a free-standing tower was erected in the 15th century. Due to the suboptimal loamy ground, new towers had to be erected repeatedly. Good to know: ·Architect Alar Kotli designed the bell tower to commemorate those who have lost their lives in the battle of Vigala.  ·In the Church in Vigala, you can admire the Baroque pulpit and altar by C. Ackermann. ·The granite figures of a soldier and a farmer on the supportive pillars of the tower were hidden in the ground during the Soviet era. ·There is a slate cross with mysterious symbols in the church in Vigala.

Times and prices

Friday: 12:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 12:00 – 18:00
Sunday: 12:00 – 17:00


  • Site lighting
  • Catering


    Access guide

    Sõites mööda Tallinn-Pärnud maanteed otse kuni näitab viit paremale Kivi-Vigala peale. Sealt jätkake otsesõitu kuniks tuleb uuesti viit vasakule, Mis suunab Teid kirikuni. Sealt sõidate otse ja jõuate kiriku parklani.

    Accessed from

  • Signposted
  • Sealed access road
  • By excursion bus
  • By car
  • Location



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