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Rapla stone bridge

Rapla linn, Rapla vald, Rapla county

This bridge, which crosses the Vigala River, was built in place of the former wooden bridge in the late 19th century. A reinforced concrete structure was superimposed on the old bridge in 2009, and pedestrian bridges were added on either side. Did you know…? * The renovated bridge is the only one of its kind in the country;  * The stone bridge is on the coat of arms of Rapla municipality; * A café operates under the bridge on Rapla Day where the dress code is galoshes; * River rallies have been held on the river under the bridge, and performances have been given on top of it; Mermaids have even been spotted in the river! Bring a sandwich, come and park yourself by the river and enjoy some time to yourself! You might not spy any mermaids, but you’re sure to see some ducks!

Times and prices

✓ 24 hours


  • Recreation area/picnic ground
  • Free parking
  • Site lighting
  • Information boards
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Catering


    Access guide

    Tallinna poolt Raplasse jõudes jätkake otse sõitu kuniks möödute kirikust see järel tulebki kohe Rapla Kivisild.

    Accessed from

  • Signposted
  • Sealed access road
  • By excursion bus
  • By public transport
  • By car
  • Location



    Ratings (Trip Advisor)

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