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Paluküla Holiday House

Paluküla, Kehtna vald, Rapla county

Paluküla Holiday House is located in the picturesque Kõnnumaa Nature Reserve, in the vicinity of Hiiemäe. The holiday house includes a day room with a kitchenette, a sofa, an oven fireplace and a TV. The heater of the sauna is fire-heated. You can rest up from the activities of the day in the bedrooms of the first floor. There is a pond next to the holiday house. It is nice to cool yourself down in the pond in the summer. There is also a barrel sauna with bubbles to enjoy. There is a field kitchen right next to the building for barbecues and cooking. The children can keep busy on the playground with a play tower, a swing and a sandbox.

Times and prices

✓ Advance bookings only
✓ Price of whole house/building 145.00€


  • Fridge
  • WC
  • Free parking
  • Camping area
  • TV in recreation room
  • Recreation room
  • Outdoor terrace
  • Pets allowed
  • Internet access
  • WiFi
  • Sauna complex
  • Swimming area
  • Landscaped area
  • Kids’ playground
  • Barbecue area
  • Catering


    Access guide

    Sõites Raplast Türi poole tuleks keerata viidaga suunatud Vahastu peale. Paluküla bussipeatuse juurest vasakule ja esimesel võimalusel(ca. 200-300m) taas vasakule. Umbes komesaja meetripärast näed paremal Paluküla Puhkemaja

    Accessed from

  • Signposted
  • By public transport
  • By car
  • Location



    Ratings (Trip Advisor)

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