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Okta Centrum

Rapla linn, Rapla vald, Rapla county

This building, completed in 1977, is something of a monument to Soviet architecture. It resembles a UFO that has landed. Did you know…? *Everything in the building is octagonal – from the floor plan to the rubbish bins *The octagonal pond is a perfect reflection of the physical space in the building *The building was designed by Toomas Rein and Aulo Padar *During the Soviet era, people from all over the USSR came to admire the building

Times and prices

✓ Observed from distance


  • Recreation area/picnic ground
  • Free parking
  • Site lighting
  • Catering


    Access guide

    Raplas Tallinna maanteelt tuleks keerata Mahlamäe tänavale. Seejärel sõita otse kuni Okta jääb vasakule.

    Accessed from

  • Signposted
  • Sealed access road
  • By excursion bus
  • By public transport
  • By car
  • Location



    Ratings (Trip Advisor)

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