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Ilvesemägi: a bog hike on elven trails

Suurekivi küla, Rapla vald, Rapla county

A hiking trail takes you to the Ilvesemägi hill covered in virgin forest and offering breathtaking views on the surrounding area. When you reach the top, you’ll feel as if you are standing at the edge of the world. Your guide will tell you about the nature, local legends, Estonian prehistory, mythology and traditions. On the way, we will cross the Ülesoo bog; you can see various bog and fen plants while walking in bog shoes. During summer, it is possible to go for a swim in bog pools. If you wish, you can relax in a smoke sauna after the hike. If you desire to get away from civilization, experience the wild and have an adventure in a mysterious elven forest, then this is the hike for you!

Times and prices

✓ Advance bookings only
✓ Adult 25.00€





Access guide

Sõites Tallinn-Rapla maanteed mööda keerake Purila peale. Viit suunad vasakule. Sealt jätkake otsesõitu, kuni jõuate viidani mis suunab Kuimetsa peale. Sealt jälle sõidate otse kuni objekt jääb teist vasakule.

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